A hunt for Swiss missionaries' graves reveals more than just pictures

History: 16 December 2023

A short email received two weeks ago prompted the search for graves. Perhaps the relatively slow weekend, with little happening, contributed to the decision to explore the final resting place of two missionaries, René Cuénod and his wife, Marguerite.


Die eerste vliegtuie oor die Soutpansberg (Deel 1)

History: 25 February 2019 By Anton van Zyl

Vandeesweek se artikel oor die geskiedenis van die Soutpansberg het sy oorsprong by ‘n foto van ‘n vliegtuig. Die foto het skielik opgeduik te midde van ‘n soektog na inligting op die webtuiste van Drisa (Digital Rail Images SA). Dit was eintlik die onderskrif wat die aandag getrek het:

Could the commandant have posed for a photo?

History: 15 February 2019 By Anton van Zyl

Two weeks ago, we posed the question as to whether a photo depicting commandant-general Andries Hendrik Potgieter is real. Could it be that the photo, so often used in history articles about the Voortrekker leader, is a fake?

Did an early photographer capture Boer leader's “likeness”?

History: 11 February 2019 By Anton van Zyl

In last week’s edition, we set the stage for a “history mystery”. We introduced a photo proclaimed to be that of the Voortrekker leader, Andries Hendrik Potgieter, and started questioning its authenticity. Potgieter died in December 1852, but we mentioned that the first reports of photography in South Africa date back to 1846. It could possibly be a genuine photo, but it could also be that the photograph so commonly used next to articles about the Boer commandant is a fake.

The mystery of the photo of the commandant-general

History: 02 February 2019 By Anton van Zyl

Is it real, or have we been misled for many years? This was the question when the authenticity of a photo of Voortrekker leader, Andries Hendrik Potgieter, came under scrutiny.

The story of the Zoutpansberg’s last three forts

History: 29 September 2017 By Anton van Zyl

The steel fort next to the Makhado Library is a well-known landmark. Since 1971, it has also been one of our country’s national monuments. This year, the fort celebrates its 130th birthday, but many questions are still to be answered, especially as to what had happened to its two “siblings”.

The amazing story of Dina Fourie

History: 26 August 2017 By Anton van Zyl

The story of Dina Fourie has been told on a couple occasions throughout the years. One of the Soutpansberg’s better-known authors, Dorothea Möller-Malan, wrote a book about her, but more recently a Hoedspruit historian, Herman Labuschagne, captured her amazing story in an article. We had to shorten it slightly, but here it is:

Louis Trichardt het eens met eie bioskoop gespog

History: 05 August 2017 By Andries van Zyl

Tieners deesdae kla gereeld dat daar niks in Louis Trichardt is om te doen nie en sal baie moeite doen om in Polokwane te gaan fliek. Min inwoners weet egter dat Louis Trichardt eens op ‘n tyd ook met sy eie bioskoop gespog het.


The Streets of Our Names