News in Brief

ATM bombing leaves Dzananwa residents stranded

News in brief: 05 September 2024 By Thembi Siaga

Residents of Tshakhuma Dzananwa (Levubu) woke up on Monday to the distressing news that the only two ATMs in the area, located at the Shell filling station, had been destroyed.

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McDonald’s Suid-Afrika loods hul “Ken Ons Kos” veldtog

Advertorials: 12 July 2024

McDonald’s Suid-Afrika het ‘n veldtog geloods wat daarop gemik is om verbruikers meer te vertel oor die kwaliteit van hul voedselprodukte, asook die klem wat die maatskappy plaas op volhoubare produksie en etiese werkswyses by verskaffers.

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AG’s findings show the good, bad and downright ugly in Vhembe’s municipalities

News: 07 September 2024 By: Anton van Zyl

The Vhembe District may not have the worst municipalities in the country, but they fall short of expectations, especially considering the millions spent on consultants and special initiatives aimed at improving financial accounting standards. Last year, the amounts spent by local municipalities on unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditure reached nearly R800 million, with seemingly no consequences for the officials and politicians involved.

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Cyclists dedicate Trans-Baviaans to honour late Stefan Foord

News: 06 September 2024 By Andries van Zyl

Readers may recall the adventurous exploits of Louis Trichardt mountain-bike cyclists Jernay McLeod (58) and Johan van Dijkhorst (62), who completed the gruelling Trans-Baviaans mountain bike race, covering more than 230 km in just over 17 hours on 10 August this year. This race is considered one of the toughest single-stage mountain bike races in the world, with an elevation of some 2,500 metres and cyclists having 24 hours to complete it.

Gesteelde hoenderporsies lei tot kriminele rekord vir twee

News: 06 September 2024 By Andries van Zyl

Die twee personeellede van Soutpansberg Koelkamers wat op 15 Desember 2022 op klagte van diefstal gearresteer is, die 36-jarige Shannon Martin Venter en 46-jarige David Ntovholeni Makhani, is verlede Woensdag, 28 Augustus, in die hof op Louis Trichardt skuldig bevind.

New coal deal has environmentalists worried

News: 05 September 2024 By Andries van Zyl

MC Mining’s announcement last week that an agreement was reached allowing the Kinetic Development Group (KDG), a China-based company, to purchase a 51% post-transaction share in the mining company through a US$90 million (R16 billion) investment deal has environmentalists worried.

Maximum prison steps in to help struggling Vhembe fix water supply

News: 05 September 2024 By Andries van Zyl

By Wednesday this week, many residents in Louis Trichardt and Tshikota were still left to their own devices in a constant battle for clean drinking water as the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) has seemingly all but lost complete control over the ongoing water-supply crisis in the district.

At age 104, war veteran Sadiki only wishes for a toilet inside his house

News: 31 August 2024 By Maanda Bele

At the age of 104, William Masindi Sadiki still has many stories to tell. Some of these are about his experiences during World War II, when he was part of the North Africa campaign. He is one of the few black soldiers from that era still alive, and he proudly pins his war medals on his chest on formal occasions.

Land gons ná arrestasie van man wat 'onwettige' Mopaniehout koop

News: 30 August 2024 By Andries van Zyl

‘n Onlangse Facebook-plasing wat mense waarsku om nie sakkies hout langs die R525-pad net buite die Kruger Nasionale Park se Pafuri-hek te koop nie, het die land aan die gons. Die plasing is gemaak deur ’n groep toeriste wat die area besoek het en op pad huis toe gestop het om ’n paar van hierdie sakkies hout te koop, net om deur die weermag gearresteer en hulle voertuig geskut te word omdat die koop van hierdie houtsoort nou blykbaar “onwettig” is.





Dorp se rugbymanne deur na eindstryd met onoorwonne rekord

Sport: 06 September 2024 By: Andries van Zyl

Die tafel is gedek vir ’n opwindende einde van die provinsiale rugbyliga, met al drie Louis Trichardt se rugbyspanne wat deurdring na die eindstryd. Die dorp se eerste en tweede span se pad na die eindstryd was ’n onoorwonne segetog, nadat hulle die afgelope naweek ook met hulle eweknieë van onderskeidelik Noordelikes en Musina afgereken het.


Patrick creates art from wooden stumps

Video: 10 December 2021

VIDEO: Patrick Manyike is a talented woodcarver from Mbhokota near Elim. We visited his studio to find out what motivates him and how he creates his stunning art pieces. Patrick learned how to do wood sculpting from internationally acclaimed local artist, Thomas Kubayi.

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Click here for more events.

Past. Dippenaar bedien by AGS
Where: AGS Louis Trichardt Start: 08 Sep  (09:00 AM)
Zoutpansberg Rugby Clinic
Where: Louis Trichardt Rugby Club Start: 13 Sep End: 14 Sep
Day to celebrate children beating cancer
Where: Madi A Thavha Mountain Lodge Start: 20 Sep  (09:30 AM)
CMR Gholfdag
Where: Soutpansberg Gholfklub Start: 21 Sep  (09:00 AM)
Braaidag by Lalapanzi
Where: Lalapanzi Hotel Start: 24 Sep