The 50-year-old Helen Berry. Photo: Facebook.

Helen needs support on her cancer journey

Date: 02 May 2024 By: 

A Back a Buddy page has been started for 50-year-old Helen Berry from Louis Trichardt to help support her in her battle with cancer that began in November last year.

Helen’s journey began in November 2023 when abnormalities were found in her womb, and in January 2024, cancer cells were detected during her hospital biopsy. "She was sent to Mediclinic in Polokwane, where a complete hysterectomy was performed to prevent the cancer from spreading," said her son Morné on the Back a Buddy page.

Despite being discharged two days after the surgery, Helen still felt unwell when she arrived home because fluid was leaking from her bladder every time she stood up. This was followed by excruciating pain a few days later, and she had to return to her doctor in town, who immediately called an ambulance to transport Helen back to Polokwane.

Upon her arrival, doctors performed a CT scan and discovered a tear in her ureter tube (which passes urine between the kidney and bladder). Helen also had a pulmonary embolism, and liver cancer was detected. "They scheduled her for ureter-tube repair surgery in the coming days, and she underwent surgery to insert a stent. After the surgery, she had to use a catheter for two weeks and was on blood-thinner tablets to try and dissolve the blood clots (embolisms)," said Morné.

Helen came home and after two weeks, the catheter could be removed, but a lot of blood was still being passed in her urine. The doctor then advised her to stop taking blood thinners, and three days later, the catheter was removed. Her clips finally came out a week later, and by then the family had regained hope for the next challenge, the cancer.

On Monday, 1 April, Helen experienced shortness of breath, and when she showed no improvement the following day, the family again took her to the doctor. Blood was drawn, and the results showed a very high blood-clotting count.

"My mother was sent for a CT scan by the doctor to determine where the blood clots were, and she was admitted to hospital again," said Morné.

The family said they were still concerned because Helen had not seen an oncologist yet. "My mother is on medical aid, but the aid is not covering all of the bills, and they are piling up. My mother is a housewife, and my father is the only one working. His salary will not be able to cover the extra bills and treatments that the medical aid is not paying," said Morné.

Persons who can assist Helen and the Berry family by means of a donation can do so by visiting the

For more information, Helen’s daughter Sherilee can be contacted at Tel: 060 828 2548.





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